Each can make a difference and bring HOPE to a desperate world.
Each can make a difference and bring HOPE to a desperate world.
Each can make a difference and bring HOPE to a desperate world.
Each can make a difference and bring HOPE to a desperate world.
Patrons of YWAM Medical Ships- Australia - Papua New Guinea
In the fall of 2022, the Lord called me to full time ministry though christian ship ministries. After bringing the word of Jesus all around the world, I really felt the call on my heart to teach. Through faith, doors opened and currently I am on staff full time with Y.W.A.M. (youth with a mission) Townsville, Australia.
Y.W.A.M.( youth with a mission) is a voluntary non-denominational missionary organization. All volunteers are responsible to raise their own support for christian medical missions
As the widow did in the story in Mark 12:41, who tithed everything in obedience to God. The Lord has challenged me to give up everything that I have to serve and follow Him.
Matthew 9: 37-38 He said to his disciples, "The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields."
I am thankful that I can be the hands and feet to go work in the fields of the harvest.
Whether you want to make a one-time donation or a monthly pledge to help support christian medical missions through Y.W.A.M. (youth with a mission) , it warms my heart that you have put your faith in me to spread the good news!